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Accents International Blog

Online Resources for Accent Reduction: Shortening the Path to Clear Speech

by Judy Ravin | | 

In today’s global economy, where English is the common language of business and cross-border communication, clear communication is “a must”. Many professionals who speak English as an additional language seek out accent reduction to be better understood. The learning objective is to acquire the sounds and speech patterns in English that don’t occur in other languages. At Accents International, our accent reduction programs enable learners to speak with clarity and impact while maintaining their unique cultural identity. This blog post outlines the value of online accent reduction resources and the kinds of programs that provide the greatest impact. You’ll also find valuable links to help get you started.

Do Online Resources for Accent Reduction Work?

Yes. Online accent reduction resources are effective, and the learner’s rate of success is determined on several factors. These include the quality of the online resource, customization, individual commitment to practice, and the nature of the resource itself; specifically, whether it’s is live training conducted online (Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, etc.), or asynchronous learning such as YouTube or LinkedIn Learning. Here are some considerations to help determine what may be the best resources for you.

  1. Resource Quality

This is, hands down, the most important consideration. Online accent reduction resources created by professional linguists is the key to learner success. If you’re going to invest time and/or money in the learning process, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting the best value for your investment.

When choosing an online accent reduction coach, make sure they:

  • Have experience teaching accent reduction online, not only in the classroom. Expert online coaches know how to plan for the unexpected and can create relevant teaching materials using online whiteboards, videos, and closed-captioning functions. Don’t be shy, ask! You deserve an accent reduction coach who’s not only an expert coach, but an expert online coach.
  • Know their stuff! Your online accent reduction coach needs to be certified in a proven methodology that works, every time. For example, the Ravin Method® gets results because it’s rooted in the core disciplines of applied and cognitive linguistics. It’s a methodology that teaches learners what to do with their teeth, tongue, lips, and jaw to correctly articulate sounds, to recognize when they’re producing them correctly or incorrectly, and how to self-correct for accuracy.
  • Have basic fluency and a working knowledge of a second language. This gives an accent reduction coach first-hand experience of the language acquisition process. This simply can’t be taught in a teacher’s training manual. Learning a second language also builds compassion for the learner and an appreciation of the difficulties people face when learning the pronunciation of another language.
  1. Start with an Accent Reduction Assessment

The best online accent reduction resources begin with an assessment. In English, there are 21 vowels, 26 consonants, and more than 30 everyday speech patterns required for clear speech. Whether you’re using an online coach, or an AI tool with interactive features, take an assessment to determine your specific areas of need. You’ll want to have an individual learning plan that addresses your specific needs.

  1. Customization: The Key to Your Success

The best online accent reduction resources provide personalized feedback, in real-time. This requires expert trainers and/or tools that explain exactly what the learner must do to correct their mispronunciations. It also means having a curriculum that teaches accent reduction techniques within the context of industry specific terminology. Look for accent reduction companies that are experienced in creating customized online courseware for your professional field of expertise.

  1. Practice Makes Permanent

Like any other learned skill, accent reduction requires consistent practice. Online resources are helpful when they provide extensive practice exercises and personalized libraries customizable to the learner’s specific objectives. Whether you’re working with an accent reduction coach, or using an asynchronous tool, we recommend practicing 15 minutes/day. To apply your newly acquired skills to real world communication, read aloud two or three emails every day. Give extra attention to the specific sounds you’re focusing on.

  1. Examples of Effective Online Resources

Video Tutorials: Here are 15 Video Snapshots that demonstrate how to pronounce sounds that non-native English speakers tend to find most challenging. These include vowels (including Short I in the words “This is it”, and the American “ae” in the words “yeah” and “man”), consonants (for example, the pesky “th”) and important speech patterns (the critical need to add a Y or W between vowels…that’s a teaser!).

Online Accent Reduction Program: American Pronunciation: Core Techniques for Success, aka “AP Online”. Authored by Accents International President Judy Ravin and Chief Learning Officer Barb Niemann. This is a comprehensive online accent reduction resource with five instructional sections:

  • Units I and II: Vowels and Consonants – The Foundation

o 47 videos demonstrate the articulation techniques for every American English vowel and consonant sound 

o 300 videos of pronunciation techniques for the most commonly used words in English o 40 chapters of practice exercises

  • Unit III: Free Flowing Speech

o 19 chapters provide instruction and practice for American speech patterns: rhythm, stress, and intonation

o Fully accompanied by audio recordings

  • Additional Sections

o My Library; each user has a personal library customizable to his/her language development needs.

o Extensive glossary of American idioms

o How to Practice; provides “best practices” for long-term skill acquisition and carryover 

One-on-One Virtual Sessions:

As a founder of the online accent reduction industry, I can attest that working with a live coach makes a world of difference. Whether you predominantly use online asynchronous resources, or enroll in a multi-session program with an accent reduction coach, give yourself the gift of working one-on-one with a live coach for at least one session. AI and pre-recorded accent reduction resources are best used in conjunction with live training. It takes a live person to give you credible feedback as to whether you’ve truly mastered a pronunciation technique and, if you haven’t, to demonstrate the exact placement of your teeth, lips, tongue, and jaw to do so. Online resources most definitely help with accent reduction. However, for more personalized and faster progress, combining online accent reduction resources with live expert feedback gives better results.

Speak with Greater Clarity and Advance Your Career

Accent reduction training has paved the way to new opportunities for thousands of professionals. With online accent reduction resources, be it live training or asynchronous options, speaking with greater clarity, confidence, and impact is within reach.

For more information: Accent Reduction For Corporations Page or visit our Home Page for a complete list of services.

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FREE DOWNLOAD: Six Essential Techniques for Effective Pronunciation